Sara Kramer is a Birthing Specialist who has been featured on CBS News as a one of the top HypnoBirthing experts in New York. Sara has coached over 500 Moms who went on to have natural births with little to no medical intervention and with little to no pain.
Moms trust Sara Kramer to teach them to have a calmer, more comfortable birth while greatly decreasing their chances of a C-Section. In hospital settings, when the fetal monitor shows irregularities, the doctors start preparing for plan B and plan C. Sara teaches Moms to be relaxed in their mind and body, which drastically decreases the need for pain medication and medical intervention.
You could have a Natural Birth at the hospital, birthing center, or at home. The choice is yours and your body is perfectly equipped for the task. Let Sara Kramer teach you the methods and techniques that will make all the difference for your birth. Get in touch with Sara Kramer today!
* For some moms, interventions are necessary and life saving. Our goal is only to avoid routine or unnecessary interventions. HypnoBirthing helps towards achieving the most natural intervention- free birth that is safe for each mom and her baby.